Discover Whitefish's upcoming neighborhood that
offers affordable housing, parks, and top-tier amenities.
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WHY Alpine 93/40

A better question is, why not. As real estate professionals residing in Whitefish, we have witnessed firsthand the dramatic changes brought about by the region's rapid growth and the corresponding impacts on our local workforce. When first evaluating options for developing the Alpine 93/40 property, we recognized this property had many characteristics that make it uniquely well suited to provide tremendous community benefit.
These characteristics include proximity to existing infrastructure (water, sewer, road network), easy access to major employers and retail, along with the cities of Whitefish, Kalispell and Columbia Falls. The size and scale of this community allow for medium-density development.
Responding to these characteristics and the guidelines generated by the City’s 93 Corridor study and WB-T zoning, we have worked tirelessly over the last year to develop a plan to provide 210 multifamily rental units, including 21 deed-restricted affordable units, along with 15,000 square feet of retail.
Our goal is to deliver a project the community will be proud of, creating an iconic and first-class entrance to the City of Whitefish by providing a neighborhood with outstanding landscaping, architecture, and amenities. These amenities will include a gym, playground, dog park, and shared-use paths along US 93 and 40.
Perhaps more importantly, as a community focused on rental housing, our goal is to help address the critical need to provide more attainable workforce housing that aligns with the longterm vision of this beautiful area.

The pulse of a diverse and thriving Whitefish is fueled by the creation of attainable and affordable housing. Our goal is to provide that access in a beautiful community that all can be proud to call home.
This is why we are providing 210 apartment units nestled along US 93 and US 40. The Alpine 93/40 community will ensure 21 units will be deed restricted affordable under the Legacy Program of the City of Whitefish.
According to the final 2022 Whitefish Area Community Housing Needs assessment update, the city of Whitefish needs a total of 1,310 additional housing units by 2030 of which 800 need to be rental units. The same report established that there is need to provide 580 below market rate units. Alpine 93/40 primary objective is to close this gap, by providing both attainable market rate and below market rate units

We are committed to deed restricting 10% of this community development to Affordable Housing. A deed restriction is a legally binding limitation on how you can use your property. Affordable Housing in the city of Whitefish is established under the Legacy Housing Program and more specifically the Legacy Home rental rates are based on AMls for Flathead County as established by HUD using Montana Board of Housing (MBOH) methodology.
We also will not request any variances or exceptions from state or local law aside from those provided under the City of Whitefish’s Legacy Housing Program. We know long-term residents do not want to see changes to existing code, zoning, or ordinances. Alpine 93/40 is in alignment with existing polices and will improve the corridor by providing additonal benefit to the larger Whitefish community.
This community is designed to support adding attainable housing for all those living and working in Whitefish. We look forward to being a good neighbor.

Consulting + Design Team
To reach our goal, we have engaged a top-notch local consulting and design team, including architects Cushing Terrell (Dave Koel and Fran Quiram), engineers RPA (Brandon Theis), and land use planner Sands Surveying (Eric Mulchay). Our team has coordinated with the highly dedicated and thoughtful personnel in the City’s planning department and Montana’s Department of Transportation.
We are a-go! During the November 6th meeting, the Whitefish City Council voted unanimously in support of the annexation and execution of the revised Development Agreement. Our team applied for annexation into the City of Whitefish and submitted a Development Agreement outlining the terms and limitations of the proposed project. Our Alpine 93/40 community did not request any variances or exceptions from state or local law aside from those provided under the City of Whitefish’s Legacy Housing Program.
Throughout this process, we have sought feedback from neighbors to ensure this community best supports the Flathead Valley. The adjacent Emerald Heights HOA posed questions regarding traffic. From those comments, we have incorporated several traffic, safety and privacy mitigation efforts into the final form of the Development Agreement.
The Development Agreement outlines our intent for the community and how we plan to grow while being good neighbors. The Development Agreement will be recorded by December 6th, 2023, with its conditions of approval effectively designating how plans are finalized and move forward.
As of fall 2023, we intend to develop the community in two phases, starting with the southernmost three buildings. We currently forecast a phase 1 construction start in the spring of 2025, which, assuming typical construction timing, would suggest that the first units will be complete in late summer of 2026. Please continue to check this website for further updates as the process progresses.
The Development team anticipates beginning construction drawings in the coming months and will submit all applicable grading, site, and building permits pending review and sign-off from requisite City and State agencies.
The City of Whitefish plans to engage an independent third-party traffic consultant. Once the findings of their study are complete, our team will work with the City of Whitefish, our neighbors, and MDT to ensure safe access and travel around the community site.
Siteplan + Concept Design

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We have made a concerted effort to connect with various community and interest groups throughout the Flathead Valley, and we would love to hear from you directly should you have questions or comments regarding the proposed development or our team. We appreciate your interest and look forward to delivering a first-class community to the City of Whitefish.